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HomeCultureGovernment Schemes to promote Indian Art and Culture

Government Schemes to promote Indian Art and Culture

Minister for Culture, Janab G.Kishan Reddy on Monday listed the following schemes administered by the Ministry of Culture to promote and disseminate Indian art and culture in India and abroad.

  • Centenaries and Anniversaries Scheme.
  • Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana.
  • Development of Museum
  • Development of Libraries & Archives.
  • Global Engagement and International Co-operation.
  • National Mission on Manuscripts.

Centenaries and Anniversaries Scheme

Centenaries and Anniversaries Scheme commemorates the centenary and special anniversaries such as 125th/150th/175th etc. of eminent personalities and events of historical importance to the country.

The commemoration starts with the completion of 100/125/150 etc. years and continues for a period of one year.

Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana

Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana is a central sector scheme aimed at promoting and disseminating the art and culture of the country by providing financial support to drama, theatre groups, dance groups, music ensembles, folk theatre & music, and other genres of performing art activities.

Development of Museum

To set up new Museums and to strengthen and modernization of the existing museums by the Central Government, State Governments, Societies, Autonomous bodies, Public Sector Undertakings, Local Bodies, and Trusts registered under the Societies Act at the regional, state, and district level.

  • Digitization of art objects in the museums across the country for making their images/catalogues available over the website and ;
  • Capacity Building of Museum professionals.

National Mission on Libraries

National Mission on Libraries (NML) has the objective of establishing a National Virtual Library of India, establishing Model Libraries, quantitative/ qualitative survey of Libraries, and capacity building.

The Minister of Culture on Monday informed the parliament that all National, State, and district level libraries are to be developed as model libraries, with emphasis on developing these libraries in economically backward districts. Further, district libraries across the states would be provided network connectivity.

Another objective is to achieve sustained development of libraries and information services in pursuance of National Knowledge Commission’s recommendations.

These objectives intend to cover the promotion of Information Communication Technology (ICT) application in all Libraries Modernize Library Management, a National Survey of Libraries & Citizens, and improvement of competence of library professionals through training.

Global Engagement and International Co-operation

The Ministery of Culture undertakes Global Engagement and International Co-operation with the following objectives in mind-

  • Promoting Indian Cultural abroad
  • Strengthening bonds of foreign countries with India.
  • Promoting bilateral cultural contacts
  • Project India’s cultural image abroad; and
  • Promoting inbound tourism.

National Mission on Manuscripts

Objectives of National Mission on Manuscripts run by the Ministry of Culture are as under-

  • Locating manuscripts through national level Survey and Post-Survey.
  • Documenting each and every manuscript and manuscript repository, for a National Electronic Database that currently contains information on four million manuscripts making this the largest database on Indian manuscripts in the world.
  • Conserving manuscripts incorporating both modern and indigenous methods of conservation and training a new generation of manuscript conservators.
  • Training the next generation of scholars in various aspects of Manuscript Studies like languages, scripts and critical editing and cataloguing of texts and conservation of manuscripts.
  • Promoting access to manuscripts by digitizing the rarest and most endangered manuscripts.
  • Promoting access to manuscripts through publication of critical editions of unpublished manuscripts and catalogues.
  • Facilitating public’s engagement with manuscripts through lectures, seminars, publications and other outreach programmes.

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